Merchant Account Services

Merchant Account Blog

Authorize.Net Removes Three Year Limit on Recurring Subscriptions

September 30th, 2024

One this that bothered me about the Authorize.Net ARB subscription functionality is that there was a three year limit on subscriptions. In other words, all subscriptions would expire at most three years and you could not set it to be longer. This was true whether you used their ARB API or set the subscription up [...]

Amazon Launches Payment System – Amazon Flexible Payments Service

August 7th, 2024 recently announced that they are entering the merchant services arena by offering their own in house payment system. Called Amazon Flexible Payments Service, or Amazon FPS for short, it is designed to be a direct competitor of Paypal and Google Checkout. An advantage it potentially offers over Google Checkout is through’s huge database [...]

Changing or adding products after establishing a merchant account

July 23rd, 2024

When establishing your merchant account the acquiring bank that is reviewing your application is assessing the risk associated with establishing your account. They factor in many variables including ones associated with the product(s) you are selling. Different products have different risks associated with them. Let’s compare two products: Pencils Selling pencils is a low risk [...]

Blocking High Risk Countries From Using Your Website

July 17th, 2024

A common problem in ecommerce is fraudulent orders from overseas customers. The risk is so high in fact that some merchant account providers will not allow their merchants to accept orders from foreign countries. Even if they did, and you wished to solicit foreign orders, some regions pose such a high risk for fraud that [...]

What is a Payment Gateway?

July 9th, 2024

A common question in communities around the Web is, “what exactly is a payment gateway”? According to Wikipedia: A payment gateway is an e-commerce application service provider service that authorizes payments for e-businesses, online retailers, bricks and clicks, or traditional brick and mortar. It is the equivalent of a physical POS (Point-of-sale) terminal located in [...]